Author name: MVLP

On August 15, 1945, Canadians were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief as the news of Japan’s surrender was shared on radios across the country. The next day, people took to the streets to celebrate the Victory over Japan (also known as V-J Day), marking the end of WWII. Among the parades of […]

The Métis Veterans Legacy Program honours all Métis Veterans and active service members, among their Canadian brothers and sisters in arms, who have and continue to willingly put themselves in harm’s way to protect our great nation. This Remembrance Day, the MVLP encourages all Canadians to celebrate our Veterans for their selfless service to safeguard

NEWS RELEASE  August 19, 2023  Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association receives funding to honour Hong Kong Veterans  Winnipeg, MB – Today, the Métis Veterans Legacy Program (MVLP) is proud to announce funding to the Hong Kong Veterans Commemorative Association (HKVCA), allowing the HKVCA to find, honour and remember Métis and other Indigenous veterans who fought for Canada

After three years of brutal fighting on the Korean Peninsula, on July 27, 1953, the Korean War officially ended upon the signing of the Armistice Agreement. This year marks the 70th anniversary of this important chapter in Canada’s military history. The MVLP joins all Canadians in commemorating the immense contributions of our Métis Veterans among

On this day 79 years ago, the allied forces of Britain, the United States and Canada overtook five German-occupied beaches on the shores of France, marking the beginning of the road to victory against the Nazi Regime. The MVLP joins all Canadians in commemorating the immense contributions of our WWII Métis Veterans, among our Canadian

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