What is the Métis Veterans’ Legacy Program (MVLP)?

The Métis Veterans’ Legacy Program (MVLP) is a national program established to compensate Métis Veterans who enlisted and fought alongside Canadians during World War II.
It was also established to commemorate the roles of Métis Veterans through commemoration initiatives across Canada that honour Métis Veterans in defending Canada and its allies through education and awareness.

What are the objectives of the Métis Veterans Legacy Program?

The MVLP has two main objectives:

To acknowledge, through an individual Recognition Payment, the pre-and post-war experiences of Métis Veterans; and,

To deliver continued support through the Commemorative Program to Métis Veterans, for their sacrifices and contributions, by promoting awareness and appreciation across the Métis Nation and Canada.

What are Recognition Payments and who is eligible to apply?

Recognition payments are payments provided to Métis Veterans who fought in World War II. Payments are made in recognition of the role Métis Veterans played in defending Canada and its allies. Those eligible to apply are Métis Veterans who fought in World War II, a spouse of a World War II Métis Veteran who has deceased, or a family member of a deceased World War II Métis Veteran.

If I am a Métis Veteran, or know of a Métis Veteran, whom do I contact to acknowledge their service?

If you are a Métis Veteran, or you know of a Métis Veteran who served in World War II, we encourage you to contact the MVLP Toll-Free at 1-800-532-1993 to speak to someone about recognizing your role or the role of the Métis Veteran on whose behalf you are inquiring.

What is the Commemoration Program?

The sacrifices and contributions Second World War Métis Veterans made to ensure peace and prosperity for all remain largely unknown throughout Canada.
The Métis Veterans Legacy Commemoration Program will honour, respect, and preserve the legacy of WWII Métis Veterans by supporting and fostering awareness of their contributions across the Métis Nation and with the Canadian public.
The Commemoration Program will be a permanent initiative and its purpose is to fund projects to honour Métis Veterans, create public monuments, host ceremonies, and undertake education initiatives.

Who is eligible to apply for funding to the Commemoration Program?

Those eligible to apply for funding include:

• Métis Nation citizens
• Recognized Métis Nation Government, organizations, and institutes
• Canadian citizens
• Canadian organizations and institutes

How can I apply for funding for Commemoration initiatives?

Anyone interested in applying for funding can find information about the program, application forms, and processes on the MVLP website, www.metisveterans.ca.
They can also call Toll-Free, 1-800-532-1993.

What are the criteria for funding applications under the MVLP Commemoration Program?

All proposed initiatives will be reviewed and approved for funding by the Commissioners of the MVLP. Consideration will be given to those initiatives that honour and preserve the legacy of Métis Veterans.

Is there a deadline to apply for Commemoration Program initiatives?

No, there is no deadline to apply. Initiatives will be considered once an application is complete and submitted to the Métis Veterans Legacy Program.
All applicants must review the MVLP Commemoration Expression of Interest and Guidelines to make an application.

Is there any assistance in making a Commemoration Program application?

Yes, anyone making an application can call the Toll-Free number, 1-800-532-1993, and speak to an attendant who will answer any questions and help with the application and application process.

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