The Métis Veterans Legacy Program launches the Commemoration Program in honour of Second World War Métis Veterans

David Chartrand, Minister of Veteran Affairs of the Métis National Council, issued the  following statement on the launch of the Métis Veterans Legacy Commemoration  Program:

With great pride and pleasure, today we launch the Commemoration Program, the final  element of a three-phase implementation strategy by the Métis Veterans Legacy  Program.

For over 20 years, I have been meeting with our Second World War Métis Veterans and  their families. I have listened to their stories – their message is consistent – all they  hoped for is an apology and the recognition they deserve as men and women who risked and in some cases, sacrificed their lives in the name of freedom.

Fighting to preserve their legacy has been the driving force of my work as Minister of  Veteran Affairs, resulting in a contribution agreement and an apology from Canada. I  want to thank Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for keeping his promise to the Métis Nation  and Minister Lawrence MacAulay for his commitment to these vital steps towards  reconciliation.

The Commemoration Program, a first-of-its-kind national recognition legacy program,  aims to unite the Métis Nation in honouring our Veterans. As a nation, we will finally tell  the stories of the sacrifices made by our Veterans, by appropriately and respectfully  recognizing the losses, the pain, and anguish war leaves behind.

The Program will fund projects to honour Métis Veterans, create public monuments,  host ceremonies, and undertake education initiatives. The Program is designed as a  permanent initiative for future generations to draw upon, so we never forget what our  Second World War Métis Veterans had to endure in the name of peace and security  around the world.

Since June 2019, the Métis Veterans Legacy Program has focused on reconciling with  Second World War Métis Veterans. To date, 29 Veterans, 24 spouses, and the children  of 5 Veterans have been presented with recognition payments. While our focus remains  on Second World War Métis Veterans and their families, the Commemoration Program  will be open to all eligible Métis Nation individuals, governments, institutions and  organizations, and qualified Canadian individuals and organizations.

Today is a day that we look back at the neglect many of our Second World War Métis  Veterans experienced and chart a new course standing side-by-side with them, as we fulfil our sacred obligation to honour and commemorate their sacrifices and  contributions.

We will honour those Métis Veterans who fought, those who came home, and those  who were lost and did not return. You are our heroes today, tomorrow, and forever.


David Chartrand
Minister of Veterans Affairs
Métis National Council

Learn more about the program and how to apply HERE.
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