How can I retrieve the service records of a Second World War Métis Veteran?
Individuals requesting the service files regarding a Second World War Veteran who served with the Canadian Armed Forces will need to contact Library and Archives Canada (LAC). To receive the service files, proper documentation will have to be provided under the following categories:

For veterans still living:
Personal information cannot be released without he written consent of the individual concerned.
For veterans deceased less than 20 years:
Only limited personal information will be released to an immediate family member (parent, spouse, sibling, child, or grandchild) of the individual concerned if proof of relationship and proof of death are provided. Proof of death is not required if the individual died while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.
For veterans deceased more than 20 years:
Personal information will be released on an individual deceased for more than 20 years if proof of death is provided. Proof of death is not required if the individual died while serving in the Canadian Armed Forces.
For members of the Canadian Armed Forces who died in service between 1939 and 1947, there are no access restrictions on the service files.
Due to the limitations of Canada’s Privacy Act, Veterans Affairs Canada (VAC) is unable to disclose the service files of a deceased veteran to family members, or any other organization.
Click the button below to download a LAC Service File Request Form.
* Request forms will need to be sent by mail or fax to LAC.